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Friday, February 20, 2009


Lots of things have been going on the last couple of weeks. Two weekends ago I went to Austin to visit longtime friends, Pam & George, that are living there now. George was the Pastor of Music at my church in Phoenix for over 20 yrs. I've been privaledged to know them and to call them friends for over 22 years now. My two days down there was a time of refreshment and I was richly spoiled by them. =) It won't be another 2 yrs before I make another trip down to see them.

On the way back to N. TX where home is on Monday 2/9, I stopped off by other friends to deliver some stuff and ended up having dinner with them and their 3 kids. Another rich time of friendship that I'm thankful for.

The next day, I went to two different job fairs. With the economy what it is these days, both were overwhelmed with the number of people that showed up for them. The first, put on by, was not well organized and in a room much too small for the number of people that showed up. The second one. put on by Lockheed Martin, was well organized and moved smoothly. My resume was pulled for a call back for an in-person interview. That was supposed to have happened some time this week. The first one, which I almost didn't attend, has resulted in a phone interview with Interstate Batteries that was represented at the job fair. The phone interview was yesterday, and has resulted in me being scheduled for an in-person interview on Monday, 2/23. Both opportunities are for permanent positions and would be good ones to get. Lord willing I will do well in the interview on Monday, and if it is his will that I would get a job offer from the company.

Meanwhile, the house continues to be up for sale. We've dropped the price several times, but still only three people have looked at it. I've been using the time to really go through things and get rid of things that I don't use/need and don't want to have to pack up and move and/or store again. Things like a mini stereo system that had been packed for 3 yrs, and not used for several yrs prior to packing to move into the house in Phoenix. Didn't think I'd really miss it if it was gone........... Have pulled out a bunch of stuff that I'm going to work on listing on eBay this weekend as well. Hopefully it will sell 'cause I could use the money. Have also listed a bunch of quilt stuff for sale on a yahoo list that I'm on.

Have a bunch of quilts I'd love to sell.........but have been struggling to know where to list them. Etsy is one option, but I haven't sat down and figured out how to list things on it. Anyone else have any good ideas on where to list things like my quilts and quilted postcards for sale?

Gratitudes -
1. That I have a job interview scheduled for this coming Monday.
2. For the long-time friends that God has placed in my life - they are a blessing to me.

The Angels are Done, The Angels are Done....

.....And with that allusion to Paul Revere's ride, I am happy to say that I was able to finish using up the remainder of the angel swap blocks that I had. Pictures are below. I'm going to keep one of the quilt tops as a headstart on the next time I need a gift for a baby girl, but the rest will be going to Sunshine Quilts.

1. For a mortgage company that is willing to work with me, even though they are aggressive in pursuing foreclosure.
2. For a God who has a plan for my life and is not surprised by anything that happens.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finished UFO

Just after the first of this year, when I finally got home from Phoenix and my trip out there, I found out that I needed a baby gift for a shower later in the month of January. Because it was easiest, I finished up a UFO. I had started working on the border for this panel and never finished. But was perfect for the new baby. =) Now to decide what UFO to work on next.....
Gratitudes -
1. The weather has been lovely here in North Tx after last weeks ice storm.
2. Last week was a good week for resume submittals.