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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Finished school design project!

Woohoo, finished my part of the group design project for my technical design and communication class tonite. Am so glad to have this done. Project will be going back to school tomorrow. As a group we decided to design a possible solution for the problem of how to transport aid received by those people in developing countries in times of natural disasters. To this end we designed and built a prototype pack and frame to make transporting aid easier.

Yours truly got to make the pack because I was the only one that knows how to sew in the group, much less knows anything about designing anything to be sewn. the pack is made from flourescent Orange vinyl. The vinyl is the type that hanging outdoor signs are made from. And while not as heavy as some vinyl is, it was still 'interesting' to work with, not necessarily fun though!


1. For my machine behaving for the most part while sewing on the pack today.

2. For the odds and ends of fabric and batting that I have and how they help to block the drafts of cold air from antique windows that are not snuggly fitted.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Batik Blocks To Date

I got the latest five batik blocks put together today from the yellow sections that I had posted earlier. I was initially worried that the yellows would blend in with the muslin I'm using for the background. But after seeing how they look in the picture as finished blocks I'm much happier. =) And I ended up with a pile of small scraps from making these five that will give me at least one more block as well. =)

With these five blocks finished, I now have a total of 21 blocks completed. And have drawn up a total of 42 different patterns to use in making I'm only half way through what I've got drawn if I were half way through using up the scraps I'd be doing good...LOL.............however, having basically used up only two of the seven colors of these teeny scraps that I've been saving.....I do believe that it is going to take me a while to use them all up....not to mention that I'm going to end up having a whole lot of blocks as a result. I have a feeling I'll be making more than one quilt from these blocks...maybe one for me and one to sell.

The blocks as they look all together are shown to the left.


1. For the work that God has given me.
2. For the ability that God has given me in designing and quilting.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Finally finished off all of the teeny yellow scraps of batiks that I had.....and have ended up with enough pp'd sections for 5 more blocks. Began to think I was never going to get them all used up. =) Untrimmed sections are shown over at the right....most of these i know what block they are going into, just have one more to figure out.

I've pulled the coordinating fabrics for the blocks and will finish up the blocks sometime tonite after I get home from work and running a couple of errands after work. The pile if itty-bitty scraps shown at the top right of the pic below is going to end up as snippets and will be used as applique for quilted postcards. Thinking at the moment I'll do flowers of some sort out of them.

Gratitudes -

1. Laryngitis is almost gone, altho allergies are still driving me nuts.

2. For surviving the two tests I had last week. =) And getting an A on one of my midterms.