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Saturday, March 19, 2011

National Quilt Day

Got a little bit of quilting done today in honor of National Quilt day.....when I worked on finishing up a UFO. I had made the center block more than a yr ago as a test block before making a commissioned double wedding ring quilt. And like so many of my projects, it then sat around aging as I worked on other things. Unlike most DWR quilts, the only way I'll make one is to paper-piece that arcs and then applique them onto a solid background square. First one I did was hand appliqued, this one is machine appliqued.

Finally decided on a layout yesterday, and made the extra rings that I needed....but like a space case, miscounted and made 4 arcs too many. oops.....So rather than just have them lay around, I'm going to put them on the corner triangles. Once those are finished and on the quilt, I plan on putting a triple border on - either gold-blue-red(outer) or blue-gold-red layout....haven't pulled fabrics other than knowing what gold i plan on finished this quilt will be going to American Heros at some point.

1. it's warming up here and the heating bill is going down!
2. Have the blessing of some commissioned sewing that will bring in the equivalent to one extra paycheck.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Civil War BOM Blocks To Date

I was tempted into doing the Civil War Block of the Week by Barbara Brackman by a good friend of mind. And so far I've managed to stay up-to-date on this BOM....but that is only because I made 3 blocks last weekend, and the last 2 this You'd think that it wouldn't be hard to make one block a week....but these blocks are only 8 inches finished in size and a 9-patch block just doesn't do that number evenly so there are lots of fiddly cuts and odd numbers. These are coming out 1 block a week, so there are 42 more blocks to make before I really think about setting them in some way.

I'm using up bits and pieces of CW fabrics that I've had leftover from two CW block swaps in the blocks. And then filling in with fabrics from FQ's where I need to. I like how the blocks have turned out so far...except for onef the first ones (middle block, left column). And that one I like the block...but not fond of the fabrics that I choose because they were too close in value so the pattern is lost. Haven't decided to redo or not. And there was one block that ended up about a 1/4" too big despite my best efforts....but I think I've figured out how to set these so that I can still use that block and not have to remake it.

1. Great grades on the latest two tests
2. Heating bill should go down now that the other two apts in this house are occupied.