My Pages

Monday, October 31, 2011

QuiltMakers Blog Hop is coming!

The Blog hop in celebration of the release of QuiltMakers 100 Blocks, V. 4 is coming next week. I'll be giving away a copy of the magazine to someone who makes a comment to celebrate my block being included in the magazine (will be shipped from QuiltMaker), so be sure to come back and visit on Thursday next week! Click here - blocks

Meanwhile, don't forget to check out all of the other blogs that will be showcased next week. =)

Gratitudes -
1. For having signed up for Student Health Insurance with the troubles I'm having with my knee.
2. For my knee feeling somewhat better (part of the time at any rate) with the PT exercises and icing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rick-Rack and Quillts

One of the members in a yahoo groups that I'm in was asking how to use rick rack in quilts, which brought to mind a couple of quilts that I've made in the last year and embellished with rick-rack. The first quilt I made with it can be seen here - .

I ended up with lots of scraps from the first project so I took them and cut strips of the shorter pieces and made 30 blocks from them. I then took the rick-rack that had been left from the first project and sewed it onto the blocks I finished for this quilt on top of the seam between the two different fabrics in the blocks. I used a zigzag stitch to sew the trim on. And love the little pop of color that it gives to the quilt top.

I used the jumbo rickrack in these two quilts,but the smaller sizes could be used as well, maybe even multiple rows of them for more of an impact.

1. Fall Break in my observation school gives me an extra day to sleep in this week!
2.For all that God provides.