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Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Year End

It's been a long year for me with the first 5 months of the year consumed with student teaching, classes and working part-time.   Summer saw me scrambling to survive 3 summer school classes, a 2 week training class in Illinois, packing and then moving 3.5 hrs away from Lafayette, and starting to teach full time.  

The last 4 months of 2013 has seen me complete my first semester of teaching at DeKalb High School as an Engineering teacher, working part-time at Joann Fabrics to help make ends meet, trying to stay up with all of my class work in my last year of grad school, and working on commissioned sewing (clothing of various types). 

Notice that there's no mention of being able to do much quilting in there.............sigh................that would be because I haven't been able to do much quilting at all this year, and I really miss it!   I'm hoping that will change in the coming year, at least after I finish defending my master's portfolio the end of April.  

Some of my goals that I have for the coming year is to work to get one or more of my quilt patterns written up and out for testing.  I want to start listing them for sale on my website and etsy, but know i have to do the prep work for that before hand.   I also plan to start working on more block patterns and quilt patterns for submission to quilt magazines for publication.    I also hope to actually

And if you're looking for giveaways to enter, check out the one that my quilting buddy Susan is hosting on her blog.  =) 

1. Being able to spend time in sunny and warm Phoenix over Christmas.
2. Having survived my first semester as a teacher.  =)