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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

ScrapHappy April

There has been a lot going on in my life lately, and I've needed something mindless in the way of sewing.   In straightening up my messes around the house while looking for something I found a sandwich baggie of small pieces of Fairy Frost that had been cut off while I was making blocks for a design contest 4 years ago and I found some triangle papers for paper-piecing from Missouri Star Quilt Shop in the same tote.   The true blues and purples are the only colors left to work with.

 The same cream FF fabric has been used as the common fabric in the triangles and will be used as the background in whatever I finally do with these.

Pinks, turquoise, green, and browns were finished first.
Reds, oranges, and peaches were by far the biggest part of the scraps except for the cream.

I've been playing around with possible layouts for these, and think I've decided.....but other things have taken priority at the present time.

The triangles unfinished are only 4.25 inches on a side so whatever I do won't end  up real big.

1. for all the commissioned sewing I have at present (masks)

2. for friends who check to see that I'm okay during the stay at home orders.