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Thursday, September 11, 2008


The last few weeks have been stressful to put it mildly due to the project I'm assigned to at the present time. And this week it has been going from bad to rotten to worse yet with regards to the project and how it is going. As was said of Casey when he struck out - there is no joy in Mudville tonite. =P

And on top of that has been the lack of any success with the resumes that have been submitted over the last 11 months. And that is enough to make me really start to doubt myself and wonder if I'm ever going to have a fulltime contract, much less a perm position, ever again. It's very hard to remain positive and upbeat when nothing happens.

As I go through my days though, I try to keep reminding myself that God is the one who is stitching the pieces of my life together according to His master plan. In addition to quilting, I also cross-stitch and occassionally needlepoint as well. And in spite of my best intentions, the back of those pieces are not a think of beauty. Instead they are a mess of knots, thread changes, loose threads, thread tangles, and generally unlovely. But when you turn them over you see how all of the unlovely work of the back becomes lovely when you look at it from the front and you see the finished work.

So too our lives are seen only from the "back side" when we look at them. We see the problems, the things that are ugly in our lives, what we are missing, what is hurtful, and so on. We don't see how everything is working together in our lives to shape us and our lives according to God's plan for us. But God sees our lives as they will be when his will is perfected in us, and there will be a day in our lives when the children of God will see their lives from His perspective. It is then that we (I!) will see our lives for the beautiful picture of God's work in our lives that they are.

And so, it is that I hold fast to one of the bible verses that has most encouraged me -

Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

And God truly does provide encouragement when it is needed most - yesterday I received a card and book from some very dear friends in Phoenix. The card had notes of encouragement from everyone just when I needed it most. Thank you Lord for good friends!


  1. Dearest Moira,
    Keep heart the job is out there for you I know it!

  2. What a beautiful way of looking at it, Moira. Thank you for that allegory! Yes, you have the right of it. =) I think your friends see more of the beauty, too, not living the stress.

    I'm giving you your first blog award! Go see my desertsky quilts blog in about 30 minutes. =)

  3. Hi Moira, what a lovely thing you shared I have always imagined my life as a jig saw puzzle God knows where the pieces go I don't and struggle to get them in place, but with God in control the pieces fit a lot easier. We have an encouragement foundation here in Australia and I would for you to unite with us as we offer encouragement to those around us. Have a blessed day.



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