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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!

There is a train of thought that says what you do on New Years Day is what you'll do through out the entire I sewed to my hearts content and finished off the swap blocks I owe for two different swaps that I'm in. I'm not superstitious, but what can I say - I don't want to be looking for a job for all of this year after 2009! You can see pics of the Lotto and Fav Fabric blocks I made below -

1. For the safe travels back from Phoenix last week.
2. For the unexpected visit to urgent care this week being affordable.


  1. It's good to see a blog post from you . . . and what pretty blocks.

    Wishing you all the best (and many finished quilts) in 2010.

  2. Beautiful blocks!! It sure was nice seeing you while you were out here!! :)

    I also pray you are not searching for a job all year as well... As for doing all year what you were doing on New Years Day, I certainly hope not -- I'm down with the stomach flu, and I really don't want to be throwing up and having diarrhea all year long!! I know, too much information.... sorry :)

  3. WTG on getting your blocks done!! I'm glad that you made it back home safely and that your urgent care bill wasn't bad!!


  4. BTW...I tagged you for some awards :)


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