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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Woohoo...I've managed to finish the top and back for the T-shirt quilt. Only thing left to do is to figure out how I need to adjust the back so that there is enough room too put it onto the frame by the gal who is going to quilt it for me.

And the latest project that I finished today is a purse for me. Both of the two that i've been using are coming apart, so I needed to get a new one. But I haven't been able to find one that I liked, so I decided to make one for myself. =) Pictures of the purse are below. The purse Front has a pocket made from a quilted piece from the stash of a quilting friend who passed away last year. Used another piece from her as an inside pocket as well. The main body of the purse is denim and I used a remnant to line it. The only thing I don't like is that the fusible fleece didn't want to bond to the denim when I tried ironing it on today. The purse was made in a similar manner to how I make tote bags and was easy to make. =)

1. God has supplied financially and enabled me to pay rent and my auto insurance. Hallelujah!
2. Lots of hrs at work, which keeps me busy.


  1. Wow great job on the quilt! I LOVE the purse. hugz:) Candi

  2. I love your Tee shirt quilt. I know how much work it takes. I was
    commisioned in Dec. by one of my managers. Sorry did not intruduce my self. Grandma Connie from the Beehive. I love your blog too. Come check my blog, I posted pictures of my tee shirt quilt too. Join my blog and or leave a comment as to how you like it. If you go to the Beehive Wikii, you will see my web store posted.
    and my blog..
    I had to put backing on my tea shirts and I quilt as I go. Make a block,with tea shirt top,iron on stablizer behind shirt,a thin poly fill, and matching fabric back to a color on tea shirt and put a 2 1/2 border, Quilt together each block.
    Then all the blocks in a row. Big job. But my manager gave it to her daughter for a gift.
    Im glad to see someone with ideas like my self.
    Hope to hear from you...

  3. moira, wonderful news about your rent and car insurance...a blessing for thoughts are always with you and finding meaningful full-time work that will meet all your needs....


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