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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To border or not to border....

Just finished a quilt top that was started with scraps from a friends stash.....have it all together except for the decision whether to border it or not. I did have to add a few squares of green from my stash to make the complete blocks, and have some yardage of the batiky looking squares. Pic of it is below...... What do you all think - does it need another border or does it look ok as is?

Gratitudes -
1. A job that helps pay the bills and that deals with things that I enjoy. =)
2. The cooler weather and rain here in N. Tx this week.


  1. For what it's worth, I'd like to see a border around this.

  2. moira, you certainly turned a lemon into lemonade there....nice quilts....

  3. Yeah, do a border. Love you! Jan (QC) H.

  4. You undoubtedly already decided, but I think it looks fine the way it is, unless you particularly want it to be bigger. Another border won't hurt it at all, but necessity? I don't think so.


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