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Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Process Pledge

For a while now I've seen a gif on several of the blogs that my quilty friends have, for "The Process Pledge"....and having been a huge proponent of processes in my IT work, had to check it out and see what it was. Basically, the blogger who started this challenged others to do more than just to blog about what they've finished. But instead to talk about the process of creating their quilts and artworks.

And I have to admit I'm so guilty of posting only about the end product rather than what goes on as I'm in the midst of creating. And that's not reflective how I feel of the process of design and creation - I love that part and do it constantly. So with having said all of that - I'm going to take part in this as well.

I, Moira, pledge to talk more about my processes, even when i can't quite put them into words or be totally clear. I'm going to put my feelings and thinking out there for others.

1. The gift from God of being able to design and work with my quilts.
2. My stash of beautiful fabrics to work with.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Look forward to seeing your processes.


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