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Saturday, February 19, 2011

UFO Block finished....

Last year I took a workshop taught by Karen Stone on improvisational quilting. I love her quilts, and just couldn't resist taking the workshop. The project for the workshop is similar to the one you can see on this site, with the only real difference being size. The pattern she gave us is only 10 inches square. She also taught us how to design our own quilts using the same techniques that she does and I'm looking forward to trying that in the future.

In the 8 hrs of the workshop I finished piecing the first of four blocks that I'm planning for a wallhanging. The points are all paper-pieced and then stitched together. Baby rick was supposed to be used for embellishment of the block, but I couldn't find a color that i liked. The color I ended up with was not at all what I have started out thinking of. This one spoke to me, even tho it's a little bigger than I would have liked.....I figure it's a design enhancement! lol

Three more blocks are still to be made. And then I'll decide on how to set them.

1. "Quiet" weekend.....
2. One lab report more to go for this weekend.


  1. What a neat block. Paper piecing is very time consuming, for sure, but the points are so beautiful when using this technique. I like the red rickrack. It brings out the red in your prints.

  2. Very different. I guess I'm too much of a traditionalist to spend time doing it, but I can appreciate your finished project. Are all four blocks the same colors and fabrics?

    (It isn't accepting the open id this time)


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