My Pages

Monday, September 19, 2011

Finished something for me!

Started cleaning up around the apt this weekend - something that has been totally neglected lately with everything else going on. Thankfully there isn't anyone else to gripe at me for that, on the other hand that means there is no one else to help clean either. At any rate, while cleaning up the piles around here (or trying to any way) I got distracted by a project I'd started a while back....I ended up working on and finishing up a purse organizer made from leftovers from a quilt made 5 or more yrs ago. Love the colors in the squares. Will be using it in my tote bag that I take to school. =) Now to make myself a pretty tote bag to go with

Gratitudes -
1. Lots of work to keep me busy and help pay the bills
2. Lovely rain - even if that means the humidity in the air made my sheets damp last night.


  1. How great that you did something for you! And another UFO finished.

  2. It's about time you did something for you :) Always for someone else:) ie: the box of wonderful fabric you just sent me.hugz:)

  3. great to "hear" from you moira; congrats on your block acceptance! your little purse is cute, so practical...keep posting when you can

  4. Love the purse - bright and colorful for fall. :)


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