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Saturday, February 15, 2014

BOM Question

For all of those that are following my BOM I have a question for you -

I'm getting ready to write the first of the patterns for the setting blocks and the border.   However, for the border I have two choices - it can be done with border blocks and sashing, or it can be done just with blocks.  

the first alternative might be easier to follow, but i'm not sure.  

Do any of you have a preference or comments as to which way I write the instructions?

1.   For the Lord's perfect timing in preventing the account fraud to my checking account this morning.

2.   For the Lord's provisions in all things.


  1. I think just telling how to put those half blocks together for the border should do it.

  2. I like the idea of border blocks and sashing. It will give it a finished look. Glad you took care of the bank in time. I had a friend that had all of her money taken on Valentines day. Why do people have to be so mean spirited? jen

  3. Thanks for taking all of this time to figure out the best instructions for us ... I like the idea of border blocks and sashing instructions.
    Kathy T. in Tampa


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