My Pages

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tea Towel Challenge

I'm running behind in getting this going..........thankfully I'm not the only one that is lat with it.    I've finally had a breakthrough on a possible layout....shown to the right.   I've found three blocks that I'm seriously considering using in the quilt, so the layout will likely change since I'm having trouble thinking of something else for a main block.   I do want to add words into the quilt, but not sure how I want to do that.

Am also considering adding appliqued blocks such as a double-decker bus, a red phone booth, the tower bridge, the Thames River....and who knows what else.     Time will tell what all I end up doing with this.

1. With all the snow yesterday, the power never went out.
2. My laptop is fixed and back home, even if I can't find where the installation CD's are for all of my software.

1 comment:

  1. I like the drawing, and your ideas. I'm thinking about words for mine, too. It turned out too skinny, so words in panels to each side would help that - and I have a lot of HST I didn't use in the main part!


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