My Pages

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Block

In honor of Veteran's and all those that have served in the military here in the US and for other countries around the world, I created this memorial wreath.   I hope you enjoy making it

Click here for the BOM Page and scroll down......


1. I'm thankful for all those in my life how have served in the military or are currently serving...

2. For the freedoms that I and others enjoy, that the military have fought for and won, often at the cost of their personal health and even lives.


  1. I'm feeling dumb today. I can't find the link that has the pattern to the Nov. BOM.

  2. Oh, yay! Now I can show mine on my blog - tomorrow. Can you believe this is almost finished?

  3. I love your wreath block, Moira. I also love what it represents.


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