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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sewing again............

Meds are working good enough that I actually felt like sewing last nite.  Finished up the swap block for this month and the final Christmas gift for Phx.  

Don't know how much more time I'll have to sew this week with it being finals week, but I'm looking forward to being able to do at least a bit of planning and computer work for my next submission during Christmas Break.

1. Meds that are helping get rid of the sinus infection

2. Only 4 more school days till vacation!


  1. Wow Moira! I didn't know you were a student. YOu are one busy lady which is compounded with sickness.

    I love your blocks. They are both beautiful but I see why you favor the polka dot flower. At least one more thing is crossed off your list - yay!

  2. Your blocks are great!! So glad the meds are helping you...only 3 days left now!!!

  3. I'm glad you found time to sew a little bit. These, the Jacqueline Steves and your BOM are my goals for the rest of the month. And some CQ. I'm running out of time. LOL


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