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Sunday, January 25, 2015

2015 Mystery Quilt, Step 2

Step 2 of the mystery will have you working on the actual quilt top and start adding to it.


5. Layout your blocks in a 2 square wide by 3 square long setting.  Play with the layout until you have them laid out in a pleasing to you pattern.

6. Sew your blocks together as you have them laid out and then press the seams flat.

7. Using your choice of technique, Place a large circle made from one of your coordinating fabrics (note....not meant to be one of the neutrals) onto the quilt top so that it spans 2 of the blocks.  Stitch the circle onto the quilt top using your chosen technique.

NOTE: I used one of my bowls to trace the circle I placed on my quilt top.   The resulting circle was 6.5" in diameter.

Set aside till the 3rd step is released.


  1. I'm confused by "first coordinating fabric"; I thought I used the first in the line of the first step; it seems odd with only 6 steps and 6 coordinating fabrics to use the same one again. Please clarify.

  2. Oh, that's all coming back to me now. LOL I'm looking forward to seeing what people are doing - got to find my pictures, if I still have them.

  3. Hi!!!! I am having fun with this!!!! Thank You!!!! My comments are disappearing!!! Hope this one gets to you!!!!


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