Have finished up two of three belated Christmas gifts, and the second of the bible / Alphabet blocks that I said I'd make.
The skirts are for my niece. And are from a pinstriped denim and a herringbone tweeded suiting. Here's hoping that they fit!
The biblical block was made to represent the letter "R". And Moses crossing the Red Sea is what was wanted. I made lined flaps that can be opened to allow Moses to walk across the dry land.
I added shiny tulle att eh bottom of the water with itty-bitty shells in it to give added texture to the block. And the stash had the sand, water and sky prints that I used for the block. Moses is made from two colors of felt and attached to a piece of ribbon so that kids can play with him.
Now that's a cute block! Love the three-dimensional aspect. The skirts are adorable. Wish I were that skinny again!