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Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 Mystery Quilt, Step 4

There are two parts to this step -

First - Add a message to your quilt.

         Think creatively here - use words, pictures, a combination of the two or any other way to add a message of some sort.  Or maybe use a special piece of fabric that says what you'd like to say.  Give yourself permission to experiment and try something new if needed here.

Second - Add 3 small or medium sized circles to adjacent blocks.

Remember above all to have fun with what you add to your quilt!


  1. Hmm, I was just struck with a way to do both at the same time. =) The perfect fabric is lying on my floor waiting for me to know what to do with it!

  2. Hi!!!! Hmmm!!!! Got it!!!! Thank You!!!!


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