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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Start of a new quilt - sashing, yes or no?

Needed something to sew on this evening in between working the proof-reading job.   Pulled out some novelty print scraps that I had left over from when I last cut swatches for sale (still need to list those!), and black solid scraps to use in between the novelties.    I'm debating on whether to put rows of black sashing between the rows or just to sew the rows together and put a black border around it all.  Am leaning towards the sashing but it'll depend on how many rows I end up with in total.   Two rows are done, and 67 more different novelty prints yet to go.

What do you thinking about sashing - yes or no?

This will eventually  become a tutorial for here on the blog....won't be hard to do just need to finish the quilt top first.  =)

1. The PT proof-reading job is interesting and keeping me busy.   So thankful for the opportunity to earn extra money to help pay off bills.

2. The beautiful weather we've been having here in WY this week.


  1. I could go either way, but I'd probably put the black in, if you have enough. I like the way it looks, though, and I'd want to see it with several rows touching before making a final decision.

  2. Sashing--yes. It gives the eyes a place to rest from all the different fabrics.


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