My Pages

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Layout decision made.....

Decided to combine the first two layout designs for this.  Once the blocks are sewn together the center will measure 30" by 40".  

Debating now on what to do with the borders to get it up to size for Sunshine Quilts.   The two options I'm thinking of at the moment are a solid 4" border of black or an inner border of black followed by an outer border of a novelty print of some sort.

Meanwhile  before I get to that point, I need to get the blocks actually sewing together first.  But that is a task for another day.


1. The dratted cough is not in my lungs so no bronchitis on top of everything else at the moment.

2. Health insurance.....a good thing with all the visits that i've been making this month.


  1. Glad you have health insurance. You need some desert sun to bake you! Do you have scraps of those colors left that could make a narrow border followed by black, or a wider border preceded by narrow black?


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