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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Easy to Forget......

It is so easy to forget why I've made decisions and walked down certain paths in my life, especially when things are frustrating and life becomes filled with things I'd rather not have to fight.   And it is easy to not see progress made over the course of a few months or a year if you look at things

But FB reminded me of a picture that I had posted a year ago this morning of the 'paintings' that I'm using to remind myself to keep on plugging away at paying off my debt.   Three bills paid off, a fourth that will be paid off by the end of the year, Lord willing.  I knew I'd been paying off debt over the last 9 months since I've been here in Wyoming.......but it wasn't until I looked at the pics from a yr ago and now that the difference really made an impact.

Still a long way to go to be debt-free, but I'm so thankful to have this visual reminder of God's faithfulness and manifold blessings in my life.

Here's to making more progress over the next year as I move to Tx for my new job and to continuing to live on a budget in order to do so!

1. Packing is proceeding

2. Keys are turned in at school and everything is tied up there.


  1. That really is amazing. I'm happy on my end to be at the point where I actually can buy groceries at the end of the month! 9 more months and things get hugely better. Two more years after that and it's the house and AmEx ... and I'll probably need a new car by then. LOL Maybe I can hang on a few months and pay half of the cost of it. And then ... a quilting machine! Yay! Like you, I can remember last year seeming forever away from getting anywhere, but a year makes a lot of difference. In gratitude, I've upped my fast offering at church, which goes toward feeding those who need help for their families.

  2. Yea for the dedication to paying off debt. It makes you feel so good to live within your income. Pat yourself on the back. PTL


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