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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Goals for the weekend and coming week

My friend Susan of Desertsky Quilts posts goals once a week on her blog....and with all that I've got going on right now this is something that sounds good to me so that I can keep track of what I need to get accomplished.  

So I thought I'd post the list of what I need to get done this weekend and in the coming week and the status of where I am so far...........Because of what is going on at the present tho, I've divided my list into chores/work around the apt, and sewing/quilting goals, things however are not listed in any particular order.


1. Assemble new vacuum
2. Vacuum
3. Pay Rent
4. Dishes
5. Clean bathroom (toilet & tub)
6. Email Ann

1. Pin tornado quilt
2. Quilt tornado quilt
3. Bind tornado quilt
4. Make 9-patch and heart blocks for hugs quilt - DONE!
5. Get blocks from #4 ready to mail - DONE!
6. Continue making Rows for the Row-by-Row 2016 quilt - rows 3 & 4 are done
7. Make 4 or 5 more scrub tops
8. Make first one or two of the F2F swap blocks for this month

1. Safety in the worst rain & hail storm that I've ever seen while out driving on a row-by-row shop hope this past Friday.

2. God's timing is perfect as I wait for a formal offer.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that hail storm doesn't sound great, knowing that you've been in some doozies before! Your list looks very possible. Now I'm thinking ... what's the tornado quilt? And you bought a new vacuum? Have fun!


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