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Monday, July 18, 2016

Goals - Week of 7/18

I know I've made progress....but sometimes it feels like I haven't done as much as I need to.   Gotta use these to keep me on track the final 3 weeks before leaving here.


1. Start getting boxes out of storage room and to Apt - Not done
2. Gather stuff for Goodwill and take to store in Cheyenne. - Second car load taken to Goodwill, third load of stuff in progress
3. Turn in resignation at school - DONE!
4. Turn in notice at the apartments - DONE!
5. Msg with friends about looking at rental possibilities for me - Done with one person, need someone else for a different town
6. Email with realtor about rental possibilities
7. Turn in address change at PO
8. Reserve moving van
9. Arrange for utility turn-on after getting rental house

Rooms to Pack:
1. Bathroom - Almost done, just the basics left to toss in a tote at the last minute
2. Storage - Completed
3. Fabric Stash Room - 2/3's completed
4. Kitchen - Not started
5. Pantry - Not started, but I am using up stuff in it
6. Sewing Room - Just barely started
7. Living Room - Not started
8. Bedroom - DONE!


1. Clean bathroom (tub) - still not done
2. Email Ann - Still not done
3. Clean ceiling fan
4. Finish cleaning floors
5. Clean baseboards - Not started
6. Clean ceiling fan - Not done


1. Continue making Rows for the Row-by-Row 2016 quilt - Done!
2. Make at least 15 scrub tops to send to customer -  Still at only 7 total completed, aiming for at least 4 more for this coming week
3. Make the 3 August blocks for the F2F swap - Not started
4. Cut just received fabric for scrubs up (this will give me 33 total cut out) - DONE!
5. Put Row-by-Row quilt top together - DONE!
6. Quilt Row-by-Row quilt - Quilt is pin-basted and ready to quilt
7. Turn in Row-by-row quilt for prize (turn in TX)
8. Make and upload final block for the Modern Quilts block design contest - Done, but I didn't win!
9. Make the 54 'petal' units needed for the sashing on the final Mod Quilts quilt top - started, 3 of 54 made
10.  Make Mod Quilt Entry
11. Make backings and bindings for quilt tops for Sunshine - not started


1. Will be receiving full mileage for the trip to Purdue along with the stipend for attending the conference there

2. For the housing possibilities and knowing that God will provide the right one for me


  1. Doing well on goals. I like first layout of quilt also. You have done a super job. Nice not to have a 8 to 5 job to do when trying to get stuff done.

  2. You are getting there, a bit at a time. I'm glad you are getting things accomplished!


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