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Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I know it isn't the end of the week but thought I'd post the progress I've made on the list of to-do's that I posted over the weekend.   As I mark things off I can see that I made more progress than I thought I had done.   But lots more to go as well.


1. Assemble new vacuum
2. Vacuum
3. Pay Rent - DONE!
4. Dishes - DONE, multiple times, lol!
5. Clean bathroom (toilet & tub) - toilet is done....tub still to be done
6. Email Ann


1. Pin tornado quilt - DONE!
2. Quilt tornado quilt - DONE!
3. Bind tornado quilt - DONE!
4. Make 9-patch and heart blocks for hugs quilt - DONE!
5. Get blocks from #4 ready to mail - DONE!
6. Continue making Rows for the Row-by-Row 2016 quilt - 5 rows completed, 3 more to go
7. Make 4 or 5 more scrub tops - 2 completed over the weekend
8. Make first one or two of the F2F swap blocks for this month - 1 of 3 completed over the weekend
9. Cut just received fabric for scrubs up (this will give me 33 total cut out)
10. Put Row-by-Row quilt top together
11. Quilt Row-by-Row quilt
12. Turn in Row-by-row quilt for prize


1. Clean office at school out (bring stuff home)
2. Start getting boxes out of storage room
3. Collect stuff for Goodwill and take to store in Cheyenne.
4. Clean baseboards

5. Clean ceiling fan


1. for the opportunity to learn patience and stepping out in faith as I wait for the formal offer....nope I did not ask for

2. for the lovely fireworks that I was able to view last nite here.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you did a fair amount of sewing - the tornado quilt completely done, yay! And where's my picture?


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