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Monday, July 11, 2016

Weekly Goals

I definitely need these weekly goals now.......without them I'm gonna forget something for sure over the next 4 weeks.   New items have been added, completed ones from last week taken off and completed as of today now marked.


1. Clean office at school out (bring stuff home) - DONE!
2. Start getting boxes out of storage room and to Apt
3. Gather stuff for Goodwill and take to store in Cheyenne. - Gathering in progress
4. Clean baseboards
5. Turn in resignation at school
6. Turn in notice at the apartments
7. Start packing up things in the apartment  - Started, itty-bitty storage room, bedroom and the stash room are mostly done - about an hr left to finish all three.
8. Msg with friends about looking at rental possibilities for me
9. Email with realtor about rental possibilities
10. Turn in address change at PO
11. Reserve moving van
12. Arrange for utility turn-on after getting rental house


1. Assemble new vacuum - DONE!
2. Vacuum - DONE!
3. Clean bathroom (tub) - still not done
4. Email Ann - Still not done, but now I have lots of news to tell her....lo.
5. Clean ceiling fan
6. Finish cleaning floors


1. Continue making Rows for the Row-by-Row 2016 quilt - 7 rows  now completed, 2 more to go
2. Make at least 15 scrub tops to send to customer -  7 total completed, aiming for at least 4 more for this coming week
3. Make first one or two of the F2F swap blocks for this month - All 3 are complete! Pics to be posted later after they are received
4. Cut just received fabric for scrubs up (this will give me 33 total cut out) - DONE!
5. Put Row-by-Row quilt top together
6. Quilt Row-by-Row quilt
7. Turn in Row-by-row quilt for prize (turn in TX)
8. Make and upload final block for the Modern Quilts block design contest
9. Make the 54 'petal' units needed for the sashing on the final Mod Quilts quilt top
10.  Make Mod Quilt Entry


1. Not having to work while packing, much better than last October

2. For friends who've said they will help in my move and house search

1 comment:

  1. Busy, busy lady. Congrats on job.
    Love rows. They are neat. Certainly show this area from which they came.
    Safe travels.
    You are busy as a bee. List is long.


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