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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Final Row-by-Row hopping goodies

A 2 or 3 wks ago I visited 6 more shops here in N. Tx and had a great day out seeing some of the area where I hadn't been when I lived out here before.

Ended up with some really nice row patterns, and yes some fabric came home with me along with a purse pattern and a cute little handmade wooden box that I found in an antique shop.

Most of the fabrics I bought were either WOW's or COC's (Fat Quarters or Fat-Eights).   All ones that I didn't have in my stash and that will add more variety to my scrappy backgrounds.  =)  There were also two very stuffed scrap bags and a great license plate from the hop.

1. 4th week of work is almost done and I'm loving the job.

2. Records finally made it to the new hematologist and I have an appt with him next week.


  1. Glad paper work got to new doctor.
    When I used to do shop hops, I came home with FQ. Lots of them. I loved seeing the different fabrics in different stores. Amazing the choices.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Those ARE great rows! I love your purchases - all needful things. ;) I'm so glad you got an appt. with the new doctor! It's been too long.


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