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Friday, September 9, 2016

Hmmmmmm, will it work?

Now that the contest quilt is together I've a few days to work on other projects.   Some that need to get done (floor "mats" to protect the cream colored carpet here, Christmas gifts) and others just because I want to work on

One in the latter category is a quilt top that will be going to American Heros.   Blocks are done, now comes the fun of choosing the fabric for sashing.   And of course, I still can't get to most of the fabric in my stash because that room is still in a state of disaster.  =P

The pic below tho shows two of the blocks with fabric that I picked up a  couple of weeks ago.   It's a golden tan color, with a floral print.  I think it looks ok and makes the flags pop out.......what do you think?  The stripes on the flags are all from scraps, the blue which has little stars on it was from stash as well.

I have enough of the flags to make one full quilt and part of a second quilt.  =)

1. It's Friday and I get to "play" at home this weekend.

2. Loving the new job so far.  =)


  1. I like the clean modern looks and that gold is just right. Thanks for your comment at WIPs Be Gone Awry - all the comments are prodding ideas. Blessings,

  2. Is there enough of the gold? I think it looks great. Soldiers have a heart of gold, you know. =)

  3. Finally time to catch up on your blog. I love what you picked up for the row by row patterns. The runs with scissors plate you picked is a goody. I have that decal on the back window of my Jeep. Your Star Trek top came together well and the gold for the flags was a good choice. So glad that your apartment and job are working out. That always helps when your starting over again.Good to know that you found a new Hematologist so quickly. I know how tough that can be. I recently found a new Endocrinologist that I think may have solved a few of my ongoing problems. Good luck and just keep moving along.


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