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Friday, October 28, 2016

Hobbs Progress...........

4 of 8 tie blocks have been sewn and trimmed to size.   Will finish making the remaining 4 tie blocks tomorrow.  Will be washing the shirt for the final block tomorrow as well.   Want that one prepped so that I can take it to church on Sunday and get one of the men to help me tie the tie for it.....I can do it on me (well eventually) but not sure i can get it done correctly for the block.   lol...

1. Elevating my feet really does help the swelling........guess where I'm headed after this?

2. Blocks are going together quickly for this.  =)


  1. Sounds like Texas is where you needed to be. So glad that things are turning around for you. I like where you're going with the T-shirt quilt. I haven't made one yet but there are two in my future. Try roasting some of those veggies. I found that I eat a better variety that way. There are some veggies that I just don't eat because I never liked them raw or simply cooked.....but...roasted turned out to be the way they tasted the best.

  2. The quilt is looking fabulous! This is going to be so great.


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