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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weekend work......

Lots of running around this weekend as I had blood work done to start the process of figuring out what has been causing some of the things that have been driving me crazy the last couple of months.  A probable answer is hypothyroid.......and that can be dealt with by medication.   We'll know when the blood test results come back.   Next thing after that is working even harder to change my eating habits so that I can start losing weight again.......have a lot of pounds to go, but gotta start somewhere.

Once my errands were done yesterday, I continued making blocks for my American Hero Quilts and finished up the next 6 blocks.   These range in size from 8" finished to 12" finished.  The top right one is a Carolina Lily block....I loved that one so much when I made my quilt, I found a pattern that only uses those blocks to make the quilt.   One of these days I'll actually get it made.

The sorta log cabin blocks at the bottom right were originally the corners of the piano key border.  

Next up were the first two out of three F2F blocks for November.  

These are for my friend Susan and I love the colors she chose.  =)   Both are made from my designs.   I've made them both before, but I played around with color placement on these blocks.  

Still thinking about what I'm going to do for the third block.

Final thing I did this weekend was to go to Joann's and pick up some light grey felt.  Then with some thumbtacks that I had here, hung it up on the wall beside my desk here in the living room that I use as my sewing room.  First time in all my years of sewing that I've actually had something to use as a design wall.  =)

1. Doc didn't give me grief over the bloodwork I wanted done.

2. Finances are slowly stabilizing.


  1. LOVE my blocks ... of course! The design wall looks great - so nice to finally have one, isn't it? I like the blocks you made at the top, too. I presume the green and white part of the lily is paper-pieced? I'm so glad you have a reasonable doctor and are going to find out something about this blood business.

  2. Your blocks are so good......You have a great talent for design. Your blocks always seem to have movement/substance. Some blocks just lay there but yours speak! Great Job!!!!!!! Hang in there with the doctors. It took me years to finally get one that helped. They were dark years and changing your diet is not easy. That also took years to work all the bad stuff out. Love my junk food!!!! I no longer buy things like cookies, chips, chocolate...etc. I also try to walk at least 30 minutes a day even if it has to be done in 10 minute spurts at a time. It takes time and patience is not my strong suit but it has paid off. Feeling so much better now and I still have a ways to go but life is much more manageable at this stage.


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