My Pages

Monday, November 21, 2016

Center block completed

I finished the center block for the t-shirt quilt in process before leaving on vacation and am happy with the way it has turned out.  

Still to be done after the top is together and everything is quilted -

-- Stitch the back of the collar down so it will stay in place when used and washed.

-- Add the name badge

Lessons learned while working on the block -
-- ties are much easier to tie on one's self than on something or someone facing you!
-- it's much harder to get a tie come out looking good when you have to take the interfacing out of it to reduce bulk!

Next up when I get back home - prepping and cutting the sashing squares, putting the quilt top together and getting it basted for quilting.

1. A safe drive to Phoenix
2. fun times with friends here


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