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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Name Thoughts for the Contest Quilt

Since the sashing units I designed for this quilt unintentionally ended up with a Star Trek look to them, I've wanted to go with a trekkie inspired name for the quilt.   And I must admit this is always that hardest part of finishing a quilt for me, and one I most of the time don't bother with.

The names I've come up with (or that others may have suggested) so far are (in order of my preferences at the moment):

  • Make It Sew
  • To Boldly Quilt Where No Man Has Quilted Before
  • Live Long and Quilt
  • Quilt Tribbles
I'd love to play off of "Highly Illogical" but for the life of me can't figure anything out for that one.

What do you guys think of the name possbilities....anyone have any other ideas?

1. The rain has least for the moment.

2. Have my reservations for the Phx part of my Thanksgiving trip.


  1. What's wrong with using highly illogical?

  2. Highly Illogical is good. Did I tell you much I really like this quilt. It's bright, cheerful and a little on the WILD side. Other episodes.
    Balance of Terror
    The City on the Edge of Forever
    Amok Time
    The Doomsday Machine
    By Any Other Name
    Patterns of Force
    The Omega Glory
    Return to Tomorrow
    The Paradise Syndrome
    The Enterprise Incident
    Spock's Brain
    Is There in Truth No Beauty?

  3. Highly Illogical is good. Other episodes.
    Balance of Terror
    The City on the Edge of Forever
    Amok Time
    The Doomsday Machine
    By Any Other Name
    Patterns of Force
    The Omega Glory
    Return to Tomorrow
    The Paradise Syndrome
    The Enterprise Incident
    Spock's Brain
    Is There in Truth No Beauty?

  4. Your quilt is Highly Logical. =) Spock's Galaxy. The Alpha Quadrant. Omega Gambit. LOL Have fun naming.

  5. How about:
    It's quilting, Jim, but not as we know it.
    Fascinating, Captain...
    Now, Voyager (from the Walt Whitman poem)
    Don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars.


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