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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dreaming Big, part 1

Quilt is now basted together (main fabric for the front and the backing) and I've not started laying out the fabric for the river bed.

The fabric that I'm using for it is one that is graduated in color.  Light at the selvedges to dark at the center.  All of which means I have to use multiple pieces to get the coloring that I want through out my "river bed".    I've done a rough layout of the pieces to get a feel for the number of pieces that I need.   May yet rearrange them.

Next step is to add strips of fusible webbing to the edges of the strips and then trim the pieces into a more random but continuous river.  Normally I would put fusible web under the entire sections but since i'll be hand stitching the "water" down I don't want to do that this time.    Should be "fun" working with


1. The heater works well in my car.

2. Repairman is finally coming to the house this afternoon to make the needed repairs.


  1. I like the shading from dark to light. It looks just right to me. We need to get you a decent camera, though! =) I'm so glad your heater works, too, car and house. This is not the weekend to be without one, even in northern TX.

  2. Shading definitely looks more realistic. Can't wait to see where this goes next.


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