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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Quilter's Garden Top Completed

I've finished putting the top together from my Quilter's Garden blocks.

At this point it is 44" long by 40" wide.   I think it is finished, but will admit that I'm still considering two things with this top - whether to add some sort of applique in the areas where there are wider sections of the fabric that I used for the setting/sashing in the quilt.   Maybe something like thread spools, flowers or words of some sort.

And I'm also considering a pieced border, either a piano-key one or a checkerboard one.  Both would use more of the fabrics I had pulled for the blocks.

There are a few little details that I also need to get sewn on - beads for the tops of the pins in the pincushions and a button on the rotary cutter.  But not too much left to do.

1. Got a great price for airfare to ATL for QuiltCon next month.

2. Weather here is great this week.


  1. You have been busy. Great job. I have been trying to picture pieced borders and they seem to detract. I know you will try before sewing.
    Great job.
    Have a great time in ATL

  2. If you used words, what would you say? I kind of like that idea. Though flowers or spools would fit in the theme of the blocks, too.


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