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Friday, April 21, 2017

Block 11 - Bentley Bear

Teddy bear block #11 for the commissioned quilt -

Bentley is a pilgrim bear who is here to remind everyone to be thankful for their many blessings.

One more teddy bear block to make for the quilt itself and then I can start making the teddy bear blocks that I'm making as extras to go with the Teddy Bear BOM this year.  =)

Did make progress on the final 8 setting blocks - got the 2.5" squares cut that I need for the center of them.  Now I just need time to sew them together.


1. It is the weekend.....well almost.  =)

2. Realization that permanent changes (not just a temporary "diet") in the diet really do make a difference in how I feel

1 comment:

  1. And quite a nice reminder Bentley is, too. This is going to be such a precious quilt. I hope to get more energy for a May jump-start.


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