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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Origami Swan Commissioned Quilt Underway

And this commissioned quilt is officially underway.  Seven blocks have been fused and I've pulled fabric combos for 16 more blocks.  All fabric used so far for the swans comes from the bag of prefused fabrics that I have as part of my scraps.

Still need to iron the wonder-under onto the fabrics before I can cut the sections out for more blocks.   I need 42 blocks for the finished quilt so there will be a lot more to go.


1. A possibility of finding a doc willing to do the digging needed to deal with long-standing issues, even if he's 45 miles away from where I live.

2. No storm damage here at the house today.


  1. This is going to be a beautiful quilt! The blocks must be small if you need 42 blocks for the finished quilt!!! Can't wait to see it finished :)

  2. Wonderful combinations on these seven! You had a lot of fun starting things this weekend!


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