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Friday, April 7, 2017

Progress this week

Lots of things in progress this week, but no new pictures at the moment.

The first seven of the origami swan blocks have been stitched down.  And I'm about halfway through ironing on Wonder-Under onto the backside of the 30 or pairs of fabrics I've pulled for origami swan blocks.  Will finish off the fusing tonight.  Next up is to finish pulling the fabrics for the remaining blocks and for block backgrounds.  Then I'll start assembling the blocks.

More fabrics need to be chosen for the remaining teddy bear blocks that I need to make - 2 for the commissioned quilt and 4 sample blocks for the BOM (will be bonus blocks for it).  I'm also hoping to get the final 8 setting blocks started for the quilt as well this coming weekend.

I also plan to continue to work some with the new machine and practice with it so that I can use it to stitch my butterfly blocks.


1. That the changes I've made and continue to make in my diet are having positive changes in my health and that continued weight loss is one of the positives.

2. That there are resources out there for dealing with and potentially healing thyroid issues naturally.

1 comment:

  1. Making the setting blocks should get you some practice on the new Elna. Looks like you have a full plate at home, at least!


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