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Monday, May 22, 2017

Naming Blocks and Quilts

I don't know about you, but I always struggle to figure out what to name the blocks that I design and the quilts that I make.  I've been strongly reminded of that as I've been designing the Teddy Bear blocks for for the BOM, and the extra ones that I'll be posting for sale.   Another series of blocks I've struggled to name are the ones that I've submitted to QuiltMaker for their "100 Blocks from Top Designers" magazine.  Most of my quilts I end up not naming because of how I struggle with coming up with names for them.

Some of the Teddy Bear blocks I've done have been easy to name, others not so much.  Lately though I've found some inspiration in sources that are close to home......namely my family.

This lovely bride bear is named in honor of my paternal Grandmother whose first name was Lucy.  Her groom is named in honor of my paternal Grandfather, whose first name was Benjamin. (And yes, these two blocks actually use the same fabric for the background fabric....the camera did something funky with the color to the groom pic.)

Both of these two are in the bonus block series that I'll be posting for sale.

The third bear shown here is one that I had drawn up and made a couple of months ago (will be the bear for October) and had a hard time deciding on a name for, is now named in honor of my only brother and sibling, Brian whose birthday was in October.

The next two teddy bear patterns that I have designed and am ready to make the samples for will be named in honor of my maternal grandparents.

Now if only I could decide what to do with all of my block samples I'd be doing good.

How do you name any blocks you design or quilts that you make?


1. Friends who put up with my designing

2. It hasn't gotten too hot here in N. TX yet.

1 comment:

  1. You will figure out a wonderful use for the samples. The names sound great to me!


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