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Friday, June 16, 2017

Progress on the cats

Decided that I didn't like the cat quilt without the heart  Because of the way the space at the bottom where the tails and background fabrics were coming together.

So I went digging in the scrap stash to see what I could find.   And found the remains of a FQ that I'd picked up somewhere on one of my scrap foraging purchases.  About 1/4th it was missing, but what was left was just right to cut what was needed for the heart.    And to not put squares (or waste the pink and blue HST's) back into that stuffed bag of scraps I added two columns of squares on either to make the quilt larger.

It will be finished with a blue row on the top and bottom of the quilt the same width of the squares.  Still thinking about a final border or not....have a potential buyer possibly for it, so might do that.  If I donate it then I won't put a final border onto it.

Here is a close up of the fabric I'm using in the heart.  The dark pink in it worked perfectly with the others in the quilt.  And the black background helps it to stand out against the darker pink as well.

 Will start sewing it together this weekend in between sewing the origami swans together and pulling scraps to cut up for the border on that quilt.

1.  Payday.......'nuf said.....

2. A heat index of 106 degrees doesn't seem so bad when temps in Phoenix are forecast to reach 119 and 120 degrees over the weekend.


  1. I thought it was a little on the skinny side before, so I like this proportion better anyway. Have a great weekend.

  2. The heart fabric works perfectly. Amazing what we have in our stashes just waiting for the right moment to be useful. Look forward to seeing it finished.


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