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Monday, June 5, 2017

Weekend Work and Finishes

I started cleaning up my sewing room which is a disaster from having too many piles of stuff that need to be put away.  And got distracted as I started working on the cleaning.    It's getting hazardous to try to reach the thread totes there in the corner needless to say.   And I'm not admitting what the fabric room upstairs looks like!

Also started as part of the cleaning was sorting through 1 full and 3 partially full gallon sized bags of lace trims and motifs.   I downsized them to one half full bag for me and a stuffed bag that will be going up for sale on ebay.  More trims tho to go before I'm through with that job.

I put together this set of blocks (they'd been arranged and the rows pinned together a while back).  Now I need to find a border fabric for it so that I can finish the top.  Some of the hearts and all of the fabrics were from a quilt made yrs ago.

Once that was done I started into putting things up again and got distracted again (can you say "Squirrel"?).  Pulled these two snack mats out to finish.  Got them sandwiched, quilted and bound yesterday.  They are now in the tote with the finished ones.  No idea who they will be for at this point.

1. I'm not having to drive in the severe thunderstorm that is going on right now.

2. Car battery was changed last week.  =)


  1. Love the mug rugs. I made one for each of family for Christmas. Most were paper pieced and themes to fit them, ie camping for son and grandson.
    Organizing is a difficult job. My sewing room is a mess which is distracting.

  2. I do like the hearts quilt and the XS pieces. I also like the cleaning. You are doing better than I.

  3. I'd like to jump in and play with your fabric stash! Would be fun.


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