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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Piggy Bank Challenge

Val of Val's Quilting studio is hosting a challenge this year for people to throw all of their change into their choice of a piggy bank.  And then at the end of the year count it up to see how much there is.

This is something I normally do, but haven't been really keeping track of the totals but I will do so this year.  I also normally hold back all $5 bills that I get as an additional means of saving money and that also adds up!

Since this last move when the jar I used to use for my change vanished, I have replaced it with one similar to the middle jar in this picture (lid is different, but size is about the same).  I've already got about 2" worth of change in it at this point.  

I may end up changing it out for something smaller because it is getting heavy and will be very heavy by the time it is full.  Need to go check out what I can find at Goodwill in the way of a nice looking jar.

As for what I'll be using the money for - most likely to help pay expenses for a trip next May for my nieces wedding back in Indiana.  =)


1. Pretty Jars to help keep me focused on things like this

2. A job that pays the bills


  1. Ha, ha, I've been saving since before Savannah and still only have about 2", and it's a pickle jar! LOL I don't use real money very often, so don't have much change. I should just cash this in and start over again.

  2. Hi Moira!
    It's time to count and share your savings with us. Can't wait to see what you'll buy.


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