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Monday, August 14, 2017

Road trip - picture intensive

Made a road trip this past weekend through the hill country of Texas.  I row-hopped through a number of towns and shops, saw family and revisited memories of yrs gone by.  Below are just a few of the pics that I took on the trip.

Headstone and burial plot of my maternal grandparents in Moody TX which is my hometown.

The outside of what was my Grandparents home in Moody.  Pic taken as I was driving by.

A couple of shots as I was driving through the Hill Country, headed north from Fredricksburg TX.

My cousin Debbie and her DH Joe who I stayed with in San Antonio.

The Tower of America in San Antonio.  The top rotates and is a really nice restaurant.  We had dinner there on Friday night and yes I even looked out the glass wall in the elevator on the way down - not bad for someone who does not like heights.

A shot of San Antonio taken from the restaurant on top.

1. For family, near and far.

2. For safe driving and hotel clerks who work to get reservations straightened out.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a restful trip in many ways. Love the tower, and what a great view of the city. Your cousin/dh look happy to spend some time with you!


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