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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Layout Possibilities

I still have 3 more of the military bears to draw up and make, but have been thinking about layout possibilities for them. 

My current plan is to not only do individual block patterns for the 5 designs, but also to do at least one layout from them.  And have been "doodling" on the computer thinking through designs for the layout.  So far I've come up with two possibilities, I'm not sold on either one.   
The solid squares would be where the bear blocks are.   The light blue is similar in shade to the fabric I'm using for the background of the block samples.   I plan to also use it for the background of the setting blocks.

Of the two, I think I like the stars better, but am not sure of the colors......

What do you think?   Any ideas?

1. Dentist appt this afternoon getting stitches out and next appt scheduled = progress, hopefully

2. Bears commissioned quilt is almost together


  1. I love the Stars also. I think it will show up the bears more.

  2. I like them both, but the stars are perfect for the theme.

  3. Stars are for theme, but would take away from the bears, I think.
    I know you have decided and have laid out. I'll have the check FB again.
    Just checked FB and love the lay out.

  4. They are both great layouts, but I'm leaning toward the bottom one. Maybe Sawtooth Stars wouldn't take over from the bears? Or maybe it's that color of red that bothers me - I might like it better with the gold. For the pattern, why not include both possibilities? Crossing squares in a double nine-patch (only with four-patches instead) would be good, too. Whatever you've done, I'm sure it's great.


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