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Thursday, September 28, 2017

More Realistic setting samples

Decided to up the realism factor in my test layouts to decide what I might like the best by using pics of the blocks I have completed in the layout.

Second layout uses the same alternate block as #3, but has the direction it is turned rotated 180 degrees. 

After doing these, I'm leaning towards #2 for my finished sample quilt, followed by #1.   Now to make a decision.

1. For all of the blessings ..... and frustrations .... that I have in my life.

2. For the weather starting to cool off, finally.


  1. Yep, middle one. Quilt the half-star in a mirror image on the other half of the block. Echo the seams and lines, or not, it will be great and all straight stitching.

  2. I like both the first and second layouts the best. You really can't go wrong any of them. It's a delightful project. Happy sewing!

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