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Friday, October 6, 2017


I used to do a lot of swaps, and have what seems like a bazillion blocks from those swaps as a result.  Here's the tote that most of my UFO blocks live in.  Most of these are from swaps, a few tho are things I started and just never completed.  Last count on my spreadsheet was 23 different sets of blocks....and that doesn't count the ones I've pulled out of this tote so that I could get them made up.   And I'm not even sure that is up-to-date.   Nor does it count the umpteen finished tops that need quilting.

While I've been in round robin quilt swaps before, I've haven't swapped a finished quilt where each person completes a quilt and then swaps with someone else.

And because I've missed swapping over the last few years (never mind the fact that I don't need to!), I've decided to step out of my comfort zone a little and I'm going to participate in the Modern Quilt Guild Mini Quilt Swap.   You can check it out at this page

It is a one-to-one swap, so there is no mystery about who you're swapping with.   The time frame is now through Feb 2018...which is also when I need to get my piece for Stretching Art completed, but I should have plenty of time since this is to be no larger than 24" by 24".  I'm looking forward to stretching my skills and seeing what I can come up with.  =)

1. For God's provision through all of life's ups and downs

2. For improved health through the Trim Healthy Mama life style


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