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Monday, December 4, 2017

Mug rug finished

One more of the kits that I picked up during the shop hop is finished.  All of the fabrics for the top were supplied by the store.   I provided the binding (a WOW), the backing, and the batting.

This 'tasty' little fellow measures out at 6" by 9".  Baby rick-rack was used for the 'icing' on his arms and legs, and tiny black buttons were used for his eyes and the buttons on his tummy. 


1. Found a gift I'd forgotten having made and stashed away which means I have one less to make!

2. Had good coupons to use over the weekend to buy the needed materials and notions for some of the gifts that I'm in process of making now.


  1. Adorable gingerbread man!! I love seeing what you make!

  2. That is just too cute! I'm totally stealing this idea.


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