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Saturday, December 23, 2017

On The Downhill Slide.....

..........for putting the wedding quilt top together.   I managed to get 2 full rows put together today in spite of having to take apart 15  or so of the star point blocks and resew the solid half to the correct side of the points.   Had to get three more blue fabrics as well because it seems I couldn't count when I was cutting the star centers...........   I haven't counted the number of different fabrics in the quilt yet, but will do that.

I'm now 80% of the way complete and only have the final row & border to go.   These will all be done as blocks and I'm hoping to get them done this weekend.

Once this is together, I'm hoping to be able to send it off for quilting......but haven't had too much luck yet in finding a quilter to do it for me.


1. I'm not having to deal with the cold, rainy weather back at home.

2. Reconnecting with long time friends back here.

1 comment:

  1. That is SO beautiful, Moira. It's the colors that make it just perfect! Your weather is wonderful! 70s this coming week while I'm in the low 40s or worse. Sunshine most days. I'm downright jealous. LOL Actually, even Dallas looks good to me! LOL


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