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Thursday, December 14, 2017

ScrapHappy December

I've been knee deep in getting the "parts" made for the scrappy wedding quilt I'm working on.   And finally have all of the sub-units made, or as I call them the "parts".     Have no clue how many different blues and cream tonals there are in these, but I am going to try to count them as I put it together.   there are about 80+ of the ones with the blue corners, and 120+ of teh ones with the cream corners.   Each one is unique.

I'm taking these with me on vacation because I'll be house-sitting for a friend so I'll at least be able to sew some those days.  By January 15th the top will be together so I can get it to a quilter.

1. Am on vacation!  Woohoo........
2.  Will see friends and family this coming weekend - can't wait!


  1. You have such a lot of pretty blues in that collection. It's going to be wonderful when it's done, and what a gift to have sewing time to work on it!

  2. I'm so glad you are so far along! I'm imagining you on the road today. =)

  3. Yay for vacation! And yay for using up scraps!


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