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Monday, March 12, 2018

Weekend Doings.....

It was an eventful weekend for me.....first up the sewing that I accomplished. 

First thing done was this wall hanging that is going to the worship pastor and his wife at the church I attend.   She just had their first child last week.

The back of the wall hanging was used for everyone at the baby shower the church gave them to sign.
Then in doing some straightening and cleaning on Saturday in my sewing room (prep for moving) I found three more pieces of fabric as potential linings for the purse I have to get made myself.   I'm leaning towards the bottom right, but only have a yard of it so it may not work.   Second choice is the floral on the top of the pic.

I also finished off the remaining two of these four commissioned pot holders.  They will be mailed out sometime this week (once I get paid for them).

And I spent Saturday morning on the house hunt once again and ended up putting an offer in on this lovely house.   All paperwork has been signed and the offer accepted, so I'm now a homeowner in   Inspection will be sometime this week, followed by all of the other stuff that has to be done to close in just under month.....

And much as I'm not looking forward to the move and packing, I am looking forward to being in my own place and not in a rental.   And even nicer is the fact that there is room for my quilt frame and everything else as well!

1. Offer was accepted for the house that I loved.

2. For the good realtor that I've been working with.


  1. Great job on the finishes! What an answer to prayer the house is!!! I have two daughters with homes in selling, one buying! I pray the closings all go smoothly!

  2. Congratulations on all that you finished, and on the new house. I like that photo. Are you going to get one of those driveway covers to give your car a little shelter? Several people in my neighborhood have them. I hope everything goes smoothly!


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